Transitional Care for Older Adults


High-quality transitional care is important in improving the outcomes of patients and their families. It is defined as actions designed to ensure coordination and continuity of care between levels of health care and across care settings. It is known that when patients move between care settings, untoward events may occur.

Lack of quality transitional care can result in high rates of hospital readmissions. The age group that is more vulnerable to this is older adults as they have multiple chronic diseases and complicated therapies. The factors that must be addressed in transitional care include discharge planning, communication between health care providers, accessibility and availability of needed services, and support and training of family caregivers. If these are adequately addressed, transitional care can bring the utmost benefits to the patient.

Live-in home care may also be resorted to when family caregivers are unavailable. This allows for continuous administration of care to the patient and his or her home setting. While family caregivers play a critical role in supporting older adults during these transitions, they may also need breaks to care for themselves.

Effective transitional care is thus multi-faceted. It does not focus on the patient alone but everyone and everything surrounding him or her. Caregiver home care may be also necessary for the continual upkeep of the patient’s surroundings.

As many factors contribute to the problems that older adults face when they move between care settings and levels, our home care in Palatine, Illinois can help you address them. Call CareDiem® Home Care today to know more!

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